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Throwing A Kid’s Party: A Mom Drama

31st January 2016


Originally written for an Australian magazine by yours truly.


I’m hovering over roughly 40 empty party cups when the balloon banner falls down.  Stupid gravity.  There wasn’t gravity in the Pinterest picture of this.  I’m juggling three kinds of berries and adding them into empty appetizer cups while my husband strolls by smiling and walking at a normal pace.


Regular walking?

Doesn’t he know that the party is about to start in T-minus 62 minutes?!!  I give him a mental karate chop to the jugular and continue in my frenzy.

My daughter comes running through the kitchen excitedly and eyes the cake like a salivating jaguar while I blurt out, “Don’t touch the cake!” I scream it out like someone told me, “The louder you scream, the safer it will be.”  Whew, it’s definitely gonna be okay then.

Then, the worst thing happens.  The worst thing of all party things:  a knock at the door.  Early guests!  An hour early kind of guest!  No wait, guests!  Emphasis on the “s”.  I contemplate running to the corner of the room to rock back and forth and drool on myself.  I guess I should run to the bedroom and put something on other than my mother-in-law’s sweatpants.  Maybe they will forget that the party is half done and the pajamas I was wearing while sweating over the salsa.

“Here, enjoy an appetizer cup with one blueberry in it.  It’s all I could get in before the guest explosion of 2016.”

“Why is everyone here so early?”, I ask my husband’s family.  And in slow motion I see the words forming in their mouths.  No, no, no!  Now, this is the worst of all party things!

“The invitation said 1-3,” they said in a Charlie Brown’s teacher voice.

I forgot to change it!!!  Sweet mother of Martha Stewart, I forgot to change it.  In my mind I vomit and reverse karate chop my husband’s jugular and spin around to instead slice the invitation with the wrong time.  He never saw it coming.  Now he knows how I feel about all of those guests he was just sending my way while I’m half-dressed in the kitchen struggling with tablecloths and tape .  And by “he” I mean the invitation, of course.  He offended me so then I got personal.

Well, ready or not, I guess the party is here and starting so I do the surprise guest clean up and stuff things in unsuspecting closets and drawers. I’m glad I usually have a messy house so I know just how to do the “Who the heck has the nerve to be at the door?!” panic clean up.

What I have will just have to work.  Rest in peace cupcake toppers.  So long you freakin’ bag tags.  Here comes the party for better or worse.

The party rolls on and we all survive. The cupcakes were the wrong color and there may have been cat poop in the sandbox the kids played in but hey, that’s a risk you take when you play in large boxes of dig-able backyard goodness.  You admit to yourself that no one cared that all the flowers you put on the back porch died approximately 2 seconds after you put them out. You know, I had to put out flowers because what 4 year- old doesn’t want flowers at their party? Yes, right after the request for a princess cake they say, “Oh, and beautiful flowers in lanterns on the back porch made of flowers you cut from a neighbor’s bush.”  Man, I’m really glad she was down for that because that’s exactly where I got them.

People laugh, kids smile and your kid’s swear it was the best party ever.  Your birthday girl runs inside with cat poop sand in her hair, a laugh in her throat, and has icing in crevices you are sure to clean for a month.  You high five yourself.  You feel like the offspring of Rachael Ray and Nate Berkus.

You took 200 hundred pictures that you may never print out but you feel better for taking them.  You hug your little rascals necks, tell them you love them and that you wanted everything to be perfect just for them.  You hand out the favors and swear you will never do a party at home next year.

“Next year we will rent a party space,” you say.

“Next year we will buy a balloon banner,” you declare with authority.

But deep down you know you will be back on Etsy and Pinterest pinning your children-party loving brain out.   Blasted creative juices, I curse your name.

Like every party, when it’s all said and done, you realize that it’s not always attention to detail that matters but attention to the personal:  the cupcakes had glitter, the straws you used were a must, not because they matched, but because your 4 year-old loves a good slurp .  Ultimately, parties are about the people you love so much that you spent 57 hours on the internet trying to find the right Frozen banner like every other mother on planet earth.  You pay attention to details because you pay attention to people.

Your people.

For every stressful moment you have trying to make a party they will remember, there is a little dog-eared girl or cape-wearing super hero boy that made it worth it.

It’s always a little crazy.  You always spend more than you planned and next year, you’ll do it all again.  Because for every piece of confetti you will never get out of your favorite wool rug, there is an even better memory you won’t get out of your mind…

Even if the party guests had the nerve to show up at the time on the invitation.

Affordable Easter Themed Birthday Party

26th January 2016



Enjoy my Easter themed children’s double birthday party!  It was for 36 guests and EVERYTHING cost under 150:  snacks/drinks, cakes, cupcakes, printing of goods, invites, favors for 14, decor…you name it!  Read the captions to see my ideas or tips at saving money.  Pin and follow me on Pinterest and here on herpartypants!  Thanks for lookin’, pals!



My invitations and party pack came from the wonderful Dee Dubs Designs on Etsy.  She is fast, talented, creative, and affordable.  I have used her before when she customized my Gender Reveal for me and I will use her again. I loved the vintage bunny and simple design.  My little girls LOVE glasses so it was only fitting to have a bunny in some.  Check out this gal’s Etsy shop to have her create something just for you or browse her other unique party invitations and packages.



 Invites on the party plates from Target that I fell in love with!



I had a neat idea for party favors.  Since it was an Easter theme party, an egg hunt seemed like a natural fun party activity but I decided to tweak it a little in a creative direction.  Instead of packing a million eggs which required a lot of candy and each child to bring a basket, I bought 2 pack Hobby Lobby medium fillable eggs at 50 percent off and hid only one egg per child in the yard.  Beats the same old gift bags.  To do one better, since none of the little kids could read, I used my patterned scallop tags from Dee Dubs Designs and mounted a picture of each child on each egg so they didn’t have to look for their names, just their picture to know which favor was theirs.  I downloaded pictures of the guests from Facebook and punched them out with paper punches and tied them on with string from Hobby Lobby.  Boom: activity and favor all in one without a kid or parent having 50 plastic eggs to keep up with.  Each favor broke down to a little over a dollar each.  Notice I gave each girl attendant sunglasses to match the invite and to implement something my little girls love:  some shades!






 For the big kids, about 8 and up, I made Peep S’mores bags. Again, each favor bag broke down to about a dollar each and they gave the older kids something to take and make at home.  They weren’t too childlike but still kept in the theme.  They loved them and they look precious.  I put them in a chicken wire basket from Target’s one spot that I spray painted.  Cheap, cheap!





Helium balloons are so expensive these days.  Especially mylar ones!  Hang balloons instead of inflating them.  I got two packs of latex balloons from Walmart/Hobby Lobby and draped them into a banner with one dollar gift wrap string from the dollar store.  I scattered some extra balloons on the floor because hey, kids love some balloons!





 The table set up was thrown together the night before and I didn’t know what I was going to do as I was going.  I used one dollar plastic cloths from the dollar store and used a contrasting color as a runner.  I used a pot I already had, bound it with the two toned baker’s twine from Hobby Lobby that I used on the favors and wrapped it around and tied it into a bow.  I used a fake branch I have in my home decor from Z Gallerie and hung painted styrofoam eggs on them that were a dollar a pack at the dollar tree.  Super simple and still a little chic.  Did she say chic dollar tree items?  Oh, I did.

The cups were from the Dollar Tree and plates from Target’s Easter aisle.  I adore the bold and bright geometric plates.  The pinwheel straws were from Target’s Easter aisle as well and they brought a little spring whimsy to the table.










Each of my girls had individual bunny cakes that were made by a local baker for only 8 dollars.  Even though I made cakes for years, with this big ole’ pregnant belly and two toddlers, I’ll just pay someone else!



Instead of having someone scoop ice cream, just like we did at my daughter’s One Direction Birthday Party, we served individual ice cream sandwiches.  It is way easier on everyone and the kids love it!  I got 24 ice cream sandwiches for 5 dollars taking advantage of a deal at Kroger.  Gotta love it!



2 dozen glitter dusted cupcakes for the kids.  I failed to get the cupcake toppers on in time.  You can let your imagination run wild!  They were bunny heads with glasses like the invites =0)  The colors were to bold too leave a picture out, toppers or not!




Due to the time of party, I didn’t have to feed the guests but I did these little snack cups filled with mini-appetizers, if you will.  I was going with a bunny/garden food theme with carrots (and ranch) cups, fruit/berry cups, but then the rascally pretzel cups with cream cheese pineapple dip slipped in too.  The snack cups can be found for 1-2 dollars a pack in all sorts of sizes, colors, and patterns at almost anywhere: dollar stores, Wilton aisles at Target/Walmart, party stores, Hobby Lobby, etc.

Each cup requires little food and each person can have a sampling of everything.  It’s like the cute cheap version of passing h’orderves at a wedding.  It was an unbelievably cheap way to serve food with a fun presentation.  As you can see, I used a cupcake stand for my treat cups. Super.



Outside I used my antique Coca-Cola cart and filled it with bubbles and chalk for the kids to do while they played outside.  Easy, affordable, and putting it in this fun crate gave it some flare, I think.



Sand treasure dig?  Absolutely. The girls were surprised with a sandbox for their party and I filled it up with party favors for each guest to have fun digging up little treasures to keep.  It was an activity plus another little take away for the kids that again only cost me a few dollars.  For an outdoor party, utilize whatever toys/things you have to make it into something new or fun at a party.  Outdoor parties at home have a million affordable play options and you save on a venue or inflatable, etc.




 Every year my kids wear a number shirt on their birthdays from Old Navy.  You can always find them on-line in most young ages and they cost around 8 dollars each when you catch them on sale.  You never have to wonder when you look back in pictures how old they were or which party it was.  Plus, they look really cute in them and get a kick out of wearing them.


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I hope you enjoyed this simple and affordable party!  Share, pin, & enjoy!  Thanks to Shelly Griffin Photography for all of the great pictures.  No party is great without being captured well so thank you , thank you, thank you!

Social Media Themed Parties

22nd January 2016


Believe it or not, this theme was harder to drudge images up for than you might think!  Social media is the king of the world and I love this unique theme for a tween/teen party! Pick your media outlet or mix them all in and have a plain ole’ cornucopia of medias!  Come on, y’all,  this is cute and you can do all sorts of personal touches using your child’s social media accounts with friend’s pics, etc.  Go ahead and yourself an eyeball full of these ideas to inspire a social media party for your family!

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Emoji Balloons


Kristen Duke Photography


Pinterest Theme

Homemade-Ornament-Pinterest-Party-2 Homemade-Ornament-Pinterest-Party-12

A Night Owl Blog

Instagram Cupcake Toppers


Catch My Party party done by Lorena V


Emoji Cake Pops


Blog Birds Party


Social Media Icon Tags



Catch My Party party done by Lorena V


Social Media Prop



Etsy by TheGemArts


Instagram Cake


Catch My Party party by Leona V


Emoji Cookies



Glitter Hashtag Cupcake Toppers


Etsy by HalcyonHaus


Instagram Cake and Killer Cute Invites




“Like” Flags




Twitter Cookies




Instagram Banner



Catch My Party party by Shaa-ista K


Glow In The Dark Party

18th January 2016

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Example invite from Etsy of the one we purchased.  You can purchase and customized this invite here at this great shop!



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This was done by activating and cutting open a light stick (not skinny glow stick) and flicking it on the floor.  It is a clear non-filmy liquid and when it quits glowing, you can’t see it was ever there.  Still, I wouldn’t do it on light carpet and definitely not on tile because I’m sure it would be slippery due to wetness.  You need to do it a few times to sustain glow for a 2 hour party.  SUCH a cool detail to even have the floor glowing!!!!


You can’t tell in this picture BUT, they were hanging in 2 circle pattern.  There was one large shorter hanging circle of balloons with a smaller lower hanging circle from the center.  See the balloons at the actual party below in my really short Blair Witch execution style video.



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This lighted wire is sooo cool and could be used for so many things beyond this party!  It also had different settings like strobe and slow blink as well.  I think this added a wow factor and an unexpected personalization to the party.  I simply curved each line and used clear packing tape to secure it as I went.






To make galaxy jars, we used Tulip’s Glow Puff Paint in the color of natural (the only color I learned will truly glow after research) to make these jars by making tons of little dots on the outside.  It was a party activity for the kids plus one cool take home.  The jars charge in the daylight and glow at night in the dark in their rooms.  If you want to see them in action, check them out here.



Thank you Shelly Griffin Photography for these pictures!!

Party Breakdown

Time invested:  12 hours

  •  6 hours of set up over 3 days (moving and setting up chairs/tables, opening all packaging,   organizing, activating 450 glow sticks and turning them into bracelets, centerpieces, etc., blowing up balloons, hanging things from the ceiling, arranging table arrangements and cleaning up the mess that ensued
  • 2 hours invested at actual party helping and leading
  • 4 hours of shopping, returning, looking on the internet for invitations, glow products needed, researching what really works, running errands for cupcake pick-ups etc.

I could replicate this party much faster, as could you, versus doing it from scratch as I did this time.  However, the set up will always be time consuming with this type of party.

Pros To A Glow Party

Glow gear serves double functions, decorates your party and each kid gets to go home covered in glow as a favor.

The party atmosphere itself is part of the fun and kids can largely entertain themselves.

Glow when done right is an easy wow factor.

Glow sticks are inexpensive (Cost of every glow item shown here was $141 on Amazon for a party with 15 kids, 35 total people including adults. )

Cons To A Glow Party

Set up is tedious

Set up can only be finished within 2 hours of the party which causes a bit of a mad dash, because glow sticks have a glow life and can’t be done hours or days in advance like other party details


Don’t skimp on glow or your party will be a flop because if ain’t glowin’, you just in the dark, y’all.

This party had about 35 people including adults, 15 of which were kids.  This party was achieved with 450 glows stick and that is what you will need.  That included all glow for the decor and for the kids to wear and create.

DO YOUR RESEARCH!  There is a difference between glow in the dark and other products that are black light reactive!  If you don’t read, you can end up with things that are neon and for black light only.  People easily get the 2 glows mixed up.  ALSO, READ REVIEWS!  Just because a product says it will glow, doesn’t mean it will glow long or well.  You need bright, long lasting items to really create a good glow party.   Glow is especially difficult to find in paint when quality is concerned.  The most effective glow paint I found was Tulip’s Glow Puff Paint in Natural color only.  They sell many colors but really, only this one glows.  The glow is very short though and it is good for a take home craft or as a favor but will not give you a glow adequate for decor for a party by any means.

Use LED balloons and LED accessories and fiber optics. Using few flashing/color changing and constantly lit accessories will give you a big bang for a little buck and help to “light” the party a tad more.  My LED accessories all had at least a 15 hour light life, too!  Can’t beat that!

When you figure how many glow sticks you need (I’d use my reference above) BUT, overshoot. There are always plenty of duds in a pack no matter where you buy them.  Also, acitivate and assemble glow decor in a dim room so you can see which are really glowing and how well!


I had always wanted to do a glow party and I highly recommend them!  They are unique, which I love and are an easy pleaser for everyone because it is such a cool effect!  I could shave off time my next round and do this party much faster and using my images and sources, you can too!


Here is all the glow I got on Amazon for 141 for the whole party!  Enjoy, pin the poop out of this ,and share a lotta bit too!  Thank you so much and thank you Courtney for letting me plan your daughter’s party!

Source List

Led flashing jelly rings

50 Glow Avaitor Glasses Kit

100 count Lumistick Bracelets

300 8 inch Lumistick Wholesale Bracelet pack

Electroluminescent Wire

Fiber Optic multicolored flashing Led hair strands/barrette clip

LED flashing multicolored balloons

Glow stick party cups 24 pack

4 packs of neon colored ping pong balls



GIVEAWAY: Family Fun Pack 4 Tickets to Annie

11th January 2016


Whattttttt?!!! Now this is a party: 4 tickets to see one of the most beloved musicals of all time! Yes, please!  I had the privilege of being contacted by the SKyPAC performing arts center here in my hometown of Bowling Green, Kentucky to see if I would be interested in hosting this giveaway. Um, do unicorns love rainbows?  Of course. Of course I would.

This contest is open to anyone anywhere, not just in my hometown.  This show is coming up on February 9th and if you want to win 4 tickets for you or for someone else, here is what you need to do:

1. Share this post on Facebook and make a comment in the comment section below on this post with your name and email so I can contact you if you win.

2.  Like SKyPAC on Facebook here

BONUS ENTRY:  If you are brave, fun, or both, for an extra entry, post a short video clip of you or your family singing their favorite Annie song on SKyPAC’s Facebook page.  Not only will you get an extra chance at winning, you will also be one of my favorite people afterwards soooooo….it’s sort of like a triple win.

Like herpartypants on Facebook, if you haven’t already, for more giveaways and more creative juices for all of my party people out there!

The winner will be announced this Friday!  Good luck and for more information, please visit SKyPAC’s page for details on this show and to check out all of the other great shows that are coming up!

12 Super Creative Invitations

5th January 2016

1-BeFunky Collage-002

Popsicle on A Stick


Style Me Pretty

Decoder Invitations With Glasses


Ruffled Blog

Balloon Invites


Style Me Pretty

Puzzle Invitations


Inspiring Pretty

Mail DIY Cake Cards

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She Knows

Envelope and Tag Invitations


Eat Drink Chic

DIY Fortune Cookie Invitations

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A Thoughtful Place Blog

Egg Invitations For Crying Out Loud



Oh Happy Day

Candy Invitations

(This one shown is actually a favor but you could easily make these invitations!)


The 36th Avenue

Build Em’ Invitations


Catch My Party

Film Canister Invitations With Tutorial On Source Link


Photo JoJo

These Awesome Elementary School Throwback Invitations


Paper Truly on Etsy

Coca-Cola Theme Party Ideas

29th December 2015

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Yep, it’s a theme, I promise.  It’s cute.

You know it.

You like it.

Let this savor in your eyeballs.


Coca-Cola Cookies

Coca2 Coca1

Petit Four Brasil


Cherry Coke Float Cupcakes In Coke Cans



Living Locurto


Coca-Cola Table Setting




Coke Float Popsicles


Tidy Mom


Coke Carton Table Decor And Organizer




Modern Coca-Cola By Spray Painting and Hanging Bottles Filled With Flowers


Kara’s Party Ideas


Coke Soda Bar


Living Locurto


Coke Favor Tags

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Kara’s Party Ideas


Coke Cupcakes


That’s So Michelle


Coca-Cola Crates for Table Decor/Cake Stand Etc.


Knot Too Shabby Furnishings


My Dirty Aprons


Coke Bottle Vases With Paper Straw Stem Covers


Sweet Little Gals


15 Sprinkle Theme Party Ideas

28th December 2015


Try this super colorful, age versatile party theme on for size!  From baby sprinkles to toddlers to teens, you can make a sprinkle party cooler than Zac Morris when he got his 9 ft by 5 ft first cell phone.  You know that was your favorite.

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Easy Sprinkle Cake


Carrie Sellman on The Cake Blog 


Sprinkle Nail Polish As A Cute Favor For Kid’s Party


OMG Polish EM


Bath Confetti Sprinkle Favors (Actual Favor Here Shows Real Sprinkles)


Bloom Designs Online


DIY Sprinkle Balloons


DIY Network


Sprinkle Invites And Sprinkle Cookies


DIY Network


Serve Sprinkle Doughnuts With Milk In Glass Bottles


Catch My Party


Serve DIY Sprinkle Edge Oreos




Sprinkle Garlands


Hostess With The Mostess


Sprinkle Filled Jars/Votives For Decor




DIY Sprinkle Embellished Party Hats


Bear And Lion Mama


Favor Bags


Sweet Style Blog


Make Homemade Sprinkles To Send Home With Guests


And Cute


Sprinkle Rimmed Glasses


Kara’s Party Ideas


Personalized Sprinkle Necklaces For Kids


I Sew Cute on Etsy


DIY Sprinkle Pom Balloon


Mommo Design

 Okay…and one to grow one =0)

Sprinkle Cake Topper


Sweet Style Blog