Cakes Anyone Can Make

6th August 2018


Listen Gertrude, you can make a cute cake for your party.  You really can.  Check these out and believe in yourself.

I don’t know if it gets easier than putting sprinkles around the cake sides and then picking a cookie cutter of your choice to fill up with sprinkles for a top cake design.  EASY!


DON’T GIVE ME THAT!  YES, YOU CAN MAKE THIS CAKE!  Think about it…the cake itself is messy iced layers.  You don’t even have to ice the outside which can drive a sane man made.  Trust me, I use to sell cakes.  I have been that man.  Stack a cake icing between layers and then use LEMONHEADS and REAL FLOWERS.  That takes no artistry because you didn’t make those suckers! Add some candles, sprinkles or chocolate chips to the top and you can replicate this cake just like this or with your own twist!  Personally, I love this cake so hard.


BETTY, BETTY CALM DOWN!  Yes, you can.  Where has your self-esteem gone?  Ice a cake, use M & M candies for the border, paper straws, toilet paper tube covered in scrapbook paper for the center post, and to make it easier, do this cake on a smaller scale and use a party hat to be the carousel top.  Add some plastic dollar store figures and guess what?  I told you so, Betty.


Cute alert.  Sprinkles, plastic animals and rad sparkler or letters/numbers on picks and you, buddy, are winning.  Oh, and the tiny party hats….you can Pinterest that but it’s as simple as cutting out a shape in paper, rolling it up, gluing it, and adding a pom-pom.  You are basically Martha Steward.  Yeah not Martha Stewart.  Martha Steward.  But she is close to Martha Stewart, just like you’ll be….when you make this cake.


Jo Jessica, I’m serious.  Just buy all of these decor pieces from Hobby Lobby, put it together and put it on a cake you iced.  You’re doing great.


Can’t ice a cake well?  That’s okay.  Just cover it in complimentary toned candies and feel real good about who you are.


Formula:  Pre-tubed black icing you can buy in any grocery store, Wal-Mart, you name it.  One lonely pink jelly bean and marshmallows.  Baa Baa black sheep have you any wool?  No, I have marshmallows.  I’m better than you.


Sally Jane, I think we are seeing a trend here…white cakes, toys, trinkets, dowels topped with a pom of some sort.


If you are really losing faith in yourself, just stack up some brownies or doughnuts please and some sort of detail.  Then when you are done, tell me how you really spell doughnut/donut.  I don’t know.


I think we all know what is happening here.  If cakes were people, this one would be Justin Bieber:  fun, youthful, cute, creative and talented.


Well, the possibilities here are just endless if we are going to start taking pictures.


If you can’t ice a white cake, add paper ears, and ice a few semi-circles with pre-tubed icing, just go ahead and shut your phone off.  I think we need to see other people.


Make your cake say anything and live your best life at this very moment. Cheap, colorful fun and if you are full of awesome, make it funny.


Print off a design from your computer, order a customizable printable from Etsy or make your own with scrapbook paper and numbers/letters. Attach whatever you make or buy with fun paper straws and you are a party super queen! Those big pearl sprinkles you can buy most anywhere and just stick you some on thur’, gurllll.  You done.  I’m done, y’all.  Pin, share , enjoy and follow me on all of my social media accounts.


2 thoughts on “Cakes Anyone Can Make

    1. Post author

      Thanks! I’ve made many a cake but no tree stump yet. I do love those cakes, though!


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