My new favorite, fast, easy, and cheap invitation hack is to take a picture and use Word Swag or a similar app to add text! I edited this picture and got my “invites” within an hour from Walgreens photo department for a cool 2.50!
So, we just moved into our house 3-4 months ago and we are renovating the whole thing so it’s not near done, but here’s the tablescape in a half done room.
Thirty minutes before the party, my little girl said, “Remember when you did Godzilla footprints for Crosby’s Godzilla party? We should do bunny feet for my party.” I free handed some prints, laminated them, and had them out for the party in 20 minutes. I am so weird. Don’t ask me how I attached them to the floor because when I say hot glue, you might judge me.
Dollar store cups, one dollar bag of cotton balls, and clearance Easter crazy straws equals, heck yes.
Both the plates and napkins came from TJ Maxx on Easter clearance. The plates are Meri Meri brand and if you haven’t seen their stuff, you should totally check them out!
For cupcake toppers, I ordered swirly bunny suckers from Amazon. They were actually pretty yummy and perfect for the party!
The best thing about having a bunny party, is that you can use some of your Easter decorations! I hung up this carrot garland and patted myself on the back for buying it 4 years ago. I knew we had something special between us when I saw it.
You’re only cool if you wear a bunny dress to your bunny party.
I found these rabbit candy dispensers at Easter and bought the only ones they had left. Dang, it wasn’t enough. Luckily, Mighty Dollar came through with these little glass jars for a dollar each and I just spray painted the lid. I bought bags of Double Bubble gumballs from the Dollar Tree and filled em’ up. Someone thrust their hips three times.
Home girl wanted straight-up box mix cupcakes for her party. What the bday girl wants, she gets. Hey, it’s super cheap so, good job kid. I didn’t have enough suckers for the extra ones so, mind your own business.
For a take home party favor, I used Dollar Tree tin pails wrapped in twine and the annual 10 for 10 succulent sale at Kroger to make individual bunny gardens. You don’t have to water succulents but randomly so I felt like parents would have no pressure from the kids to keep them alive.
I bought little bunny figures and mushrooms from Amazon, and little glass beads from Hobby Lobby. It was fast, easy, and not candy so yay!
Crappy quality picture. Cute kids.
No bunny party is complete without actual bunnies so one of our rabbits made an appearance for the masses. Ladies and gentleman, Kinder (like Kinder Egg), the bunny.
(Before someone sends me a message about trancing a rabbit, he isn’t tranced! He eats like this, lays on the couch like this, purrs and honks, when we hold him like this. I know not all rabbits do this, like this, or can do this. Peace and blessings.)
I hope you got some ideas for a simple and affordable bunny party! Let’s hear it for floppity loppities!