DIY Halloween Treat: Frankenstein Tongue Depressor Craft

28th October 2019


Hey, hey, hey, Halloween is only 3 days away! Because of this I figured I would hand make a logo shirt for my child’s Halloween parade and make treat crafts AND put it all on a blog 72 hours before.

I am so stinkin’ tired. I just made my hubby take all four kids on a car ride so I could finish this little post, ha.

So this weekend we had my church fall festival and one of the women put together a little tongue depressor craft she found on Pinterest. I thought they were so cute just as the stick figures and then it gave me in inspiration:

“Turn them in to candy holders to give at a class party!,” the voice said to me. I had been trying to come up with something for my son’s class treats so I was super stoked. Thanks, voice.

All you will need is:

googly eyes (obsessed with them this season, apparently)
hot glue gun
pack of colored tongue depressors
pipe cleaners
Candy of your choice

I saw a picture of a mummy sticks wrapped in white pipe cleaners and if you wanted to do a spin on my idea of turning this craft into packaging, wrapping a piece of candy up in the pipe cleaners would also be cute!  You could do almost any theme or holiday with these tongue depressors and using them in this way is the cutest presentation!

Here are my Frankenstein tongue depressors with candy! Put their names on the back and hand these puppies out to be a Halloween diva princess….or a mom….or whatever.

Pin, share, enjoy!

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